Welcome to our class blog!

Hope you fnd the information useful!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello children,
Please remember to bring the Science Supplementary files tomorrow as we're going through magnets worksheets. I want them to be filed in after that. Please call your classmates once you read this information, to help me inform every one. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What is 'ON' for today?

Hello children,
Please complete the
  1. simple Math WB Challenging Pratice and Problem Solving questions that we tried today.
  2. And please complete the Science Magnets Supp wksht and Eng Unit 10 Supp wksht by tomorrow.
  3. Please go through the Hot Potato quizzes with your Eng Supp wkshts. We'll continue everyday in school and during our Supplementary Thursday classes at the Cyberhub. (Do tell if there's error, in uploading or typo)
  4. Please remember to bring the consent forms for the Supp classes tomorrow.
See you all tomorrow for MT oral :) Our class will go to the hall at about 0840 hours. I will tell your groupings tomorrow morning.

I think the cows have eaten too much!!!

Any brave soul out there to take this job??!


A climb up the tallest tower @ Yahoo! Video

Monday, September 20, 2010

Today's HW

Hello boys and girls,
I really hope that you are trying your best this few weeks to revise. Exams are already here beginning with oral this week, then composition next week.

Please try out the oral readings and picture conversation at GMlites. The HW for today is;

  1. Complete the incomplete weekend HW
  2. Science Magnets worksheet

Thursday, September 16, 2010

This weekend's HW

Hi all,
Please calm down. I know the blog has not been updated of the HW. You should know why. The school would like you to use your student handbook to copy the HW. Then use the class blog as a back up or for your parents to check (at their workplace or home).
Remember not to do the questions 14, 31, 41 and 42 of the Math WB Revision 2.

And I've created a HW at Problemsums.com. Please try it.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Holiday Homework

Hello children,
Do check that you have completed the holiday tasks below;

6) Eng PP (practice paper) 1

Friday, September 3, 2010

P4 exam dates

Hello 4 Hope!
Here are the all-important dates for us!

21 Sept, Tuesday = Eng Oral
22 Sept, Wed = MT Oral
27 Sept, Mon = Eng Paper 1 and MT Paper 1

4 Oct, Mon = Eng LC
6 Oct, Wed = Eng Paper 2
7 Oct, Thurs = Math
8 Oct, Fri = MT Paper 2
11 Oct, Mon = Sci and SS
12 Oct, Tues = HE

STUDY haRD, persevere and all the best for the Subject-based banding examinations. This is your first very important exam in Primary school other than the later PSLE :)