Welcome to our class blog!

Hope you fnd the information useful!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hi all,
There are some things to note;
  1. I have been informed of the confirmed name list of remedial pupils this afternoon. Consent forms will be out this Friday.
  2. The music program is a school program which is compulsory. FAS pupils need not pay.
  3. We'll start the Fun & Fitness program tomorrow. The forms will be given later. Our class is allocated every for Thursday. So as agreed today, our Monday PE will be brought over to Thursday for these 12 weeks of the program.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spelling & Caterpillars for sale!!!

Hi all,
In our rush just now, we've forgotten to confirmed the list of spelling words for tomorrow. So there will be no spelling tomorrow :( It will be brought forward to next Monday. My apologies.

I would also like to inform you that the school will be ordering caterpillars for us. If you want to order, please state your interest tomorrow. It costs S$3 for a caterpillar, a container, some leaves & some instructions on how to take care of your new pet. You have to release the caterpillar once it morphed into a butterfly.

Some pics for parents to note;

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sloths galore!

Hello children,
Here are the sloth videos that I've promised on Wednesday. Sorry for the delay, went ill for a while :(!!!
Enjoy & be amazed at the mighty SLOW life of a SLOTH!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010 & Goodbye 2009!!!

Hi all,
Wishing all 4 Hope pupils a joyous & happy new year. What ever bad that happens in 2009 will be better/improved or forgotten in 2010!

Here's some videos to view. This is my journal entry for an interesting activity that I did during the holidays. I participated in the Adidas Starwars advertisement at Orchard on 20th December 2009. Adidas will start selling shoes, shirts, bags & jackets with Starwars theme form January 15th onwards. I'll be looking forward to it as I may buy some of the shoes :)